I’m sort of like you. Our lives may not match in what we are going through, or how we grew up, or even the dreams we strive for. But I’m sort of like you. I may not look like you, I probably don’t like the food you like, our favorite colors aren’t even in the same spectrum. But I’m kind of sort of like you. I don’t have the same job as you, I don’t like the same car you do, my dream job is nothing like yours. Yet I’m like you. We both see glimpses of beauty around us that we are amazed at. Whether it be watching a sunset on a beach, driving along the Yellowstone mountains during sunrise, seeing a loved one celebrate his/her birthday, hugging a grandma you don’t get to see that often…What made me so interested in photography? I want to capture God’s beauty in it’s multiple forms so people can look back at the picture and remember God’s grace, providence, mercy and love at that time in their lives. Photos have that ability to bring back memories and emotion from a certain point and time. I love being able to give that to people.
Where is my name from? I get that a lot. It’s from the Bible(Exodus 35:30-35). The Bezaleel of the Bible helped build the first tabernacle. He was blessed to be very creative. Coincidence?
A huge thank you to Shiner and Anitha at www.LivePrints.com for trusting me and giving me so many opportunities to work with them and learn from them. They have been and still are such a blessing. They helped me become the photographer I am today.
Photo credit for the picture of me goes to Joel Alonzo Photography. He’s been such an awesome teacher to me when it comes to photography. Very unselfish, humble, and a joy to work with!